How does it feel, when someone gets so close that you can feel their breath? Should you stay or go? What does it really mean to be close to someone? Insecurity, excitement and doubt sometimes stand in the way of the desire to explore another body. Far from the sexualized images of the Internet, xoxoquestions what it means to desire another body, while encouraging a confident exchange of feelings. Together with the audience, three dancers and a musician explore body-spaces, in which people communicate with each other and come together to discover physical familiarity, individual safe spaces and various forms of intimacy.
Concept / Choreography
Sebastian Matthias
Co-Choreography and Performance
Rachell Bo Clark, Enis Turan, Maciek Sado
Hang Linton
Mila Pavićević with Rachell Bo Clark, Hang Linton, Sebastian Matthias, Maciek Sado, Enis Turan
Mila Pavićević
Set and Costume
Johanna Mårtensson
Produced by explore dance – Network Dance for Young Audiences, a cooperation project of fabrik moves Potsdam, Fokus Tanz / Tanz und Schule e.V. Munich and K3 | Tanzplan Hamburg. Co-produced by Riksteatern and Tanzhaus NRW
Tim Rätzke