Every single day we are part of a constant urban choreography. Diverse, highly sensitive abilities make it possible for us city dwellers to adapt to the various dynamics of our surroundings. Groove space is a research and performance series that begins as a collaborative project in Berlin and will
move on to Zürich, Basel, Freiburg, Düsseldorf/Tokyo and Hamburg. The research team will develop the piece anew, collaborating with new artists and audiences in each city. How must an artistic space be created in order to bear all the expertise of the street and not to have it all be given up at the coatcheck?
It is the distillate of this intensive cooperation: the Groove of Berlin! The dance outcomes of this research project are framed by Eva Berende’s room installation, which refers to urban architecture and soundscapes from Tamer Fahri Özgönenc based in Berlin’s club scene.
Produced by Sebastian Matthias in Co-production with Tanzhaus NRW Düsseldorf, Kaserne Basel,
Theater Freiburg, Kampnagel Hamburg, SOPHIENSÆLE and the CCN de Franche-Compté in
Belfort under the patronage of the accueil/studio program of the Ministery of Culture and
Communication/DRAC Franche-Compté. Funded by Hauptstadtkulturfonds Berlin.